
African Digital Cultures

Ekdale, B., & Aidoo, E. (2024). Navigating platform work through solidarity and hustling: The case of ride-hailing drivers in Nairobi. Online Media and Global Communication, 3(3), 395-417.

Ekdale, B. (2020). Reppin’ the nation, reppin’ themselves: Nation branding and self-branding in the Kenyan music video industry. Journal of African Media Studies, 12(1), 75-88.

Ekdale, B., & Tully, M. (2019). African elections as a testing ground: Comparing coverage of Cambridge Analytica in Nigerian and Kenyan newspapers. African Journalism Studies, 40(4), 27-43.

Ekdale, B. (2019). Enemy collaborators: Social imaginaries, global frictions, and a gay rights music video in Kenya. In M. Dwyer & T. Molony (Eds.), Social Media and Politics in Africa: Democracy, Censorship and Security, (pp. 84-104). London: ZED Books. (pre-print)

Ekdale, B. (2018). Global frictions and the production of locality in Kenya’s music video industry. Media, Culture & Society, 40(2), 211–227.

Ekdale, B., & Tuwei, D. (2016). Ironic encounters: Posthumanitarian storytelling in slum tourist media. Communication, Culture & Critique, 9(1), 49-67.

Tully, M., & Ekdale, B. (2014). Sites of playful engagement: Twitter hashtags as spaces of leisure and development in Kenya. Information Technologies & International Development, 10(3), 67–82. (Open Access)

Ekdale, B. (2014). Slum discourse, media representations and maisha mtaani in Kibera, Kenya. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 35(1), 92–108.

Tully, M. & Ekdale, B. (2014). The Team online: Entertainment-education, social media, and cocreated narratives. Television & New Media, 15(2), 139-156.

Ekdale, B. (2014). “I wish they knew that we are doing this for them”: Participation and resistance in African community journalism. Journalism Practice, 8(2), 181-196.

Ekdale, B. & Tully, M. (2014). Makmende Amerudi: Kenya’s collective reimagining as a meme of aspiration. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 31(4), 283-298. (Open Access)

Ekdale, B. (2013). Negotiating the researcher: Interstitial, appropriated, and digital identities in media production ethnography. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 9(3), 7-26.

Ekdale, B. (2013). Telling whose stories? Reexamining author agency in participatory media in the slums of Nairobi. In J. Gray & D. Johnson (Eds.), A Companion to Media Authorship (pp. 158-180). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Fair, J. E., Tully, M., Ekdale, B., & Asante, R. K. B. (2009). Crafting lifestyles in urban Africa: Young Ghanaians in the world of online friendship. Africa Today, 55(4), 29-49.


Digital Journalism

Dowling, D., Johnson, P., & Ekdale, B. (2022). Hijacking journalism: Legitimacy and metajournalistic discourse in right-wing podcasts. Media and Communication, 10(3).

Carpenter, J. C., & Ekdale, B. (2019). Service at the intersection of journalism, language and the global imaginary: Indonesia’s English-language press. Journalism Studies, 20(1), 136-153.

Krajewski, J., & Ekdale, B. (2017). Constructing cholera: CNN iReport, the Haitian cholera epidemic, and the limits of citizen journalism. Journalism Practice, 11(2-3), 229-246.

Tully, M., Harmsen, S., Singer, J. B., & Ekdale, B. (2017). Case study shows disconnect on civic journalism’s role. Newspaper Research Journal. 38(4), 484-496.

Ekdale, B., Singer, J. B., Tully, M., & Harmsen, S. (2015). Making change: Diffusion of technological, relational, and cultural innovation in the newsroom. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(4), 938-958,

Ekdale, B., Tully, M., Harmsen, S., & Singer, J. (2015). Newswork within a culture of job insecurity: Producing news amidst organizational and industry uncertainty. Journalism Practice, 9(3), 383-398.


Global Knowledge Production

Ekdale, B., Biddle, K., Tully, M., Kofi, M., & Rinaldi, A. (2022). Global disparities in knowledge production within journalism studies: Are special issues the answer? Journalism Studies, 23(15), 1942–1961.

Ekdale, B., Rinaldi, A., Ashfaquzzaman, M., Khanjani, M., Matanji, F., Stoldt, R., & Tully, M. (2022). Geographic disparities in knowledge production: A big data analysis of peer-reviewed Communication publications from 1990 to 2019. International Journal of Communication, 12, 2498–2525.

Ekdale, B. (2021). Engaging the academy: Confronting Eurocentrism in journalism studies. In V. Belair-Gagnon & N. Usher (Eds.), Journalism Research that Matters (pp. 179-194). New York: Oxford University Press.


Digital Media & Society

Biddle, K., Ekdale, B., High, A., Stoldt, R., & Maragh-Lloyd, R. (2024). Beyond ‘lulz’ and ‘keyboard warriors’: Exploring the relationship between trolling and radicalization. Information, Communication & Society. Advanced online publication.

Stoldt, R., Maragh-Lloyd, R., Havens, T., Ekdale, B., & High, A. C. (2023). Using racial discourse communities to audit personalization algorithms. Communication, Culture & Critique. 13(3), 158–165.

Peterson, A., High, A., Maragh-Lloyd, R., Stoldt, R., & Ekdale, B. (2022) Trust in online search results during uncertain times. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 66(5): 751–771.

Wellman, M. L., Stoldt, R., Tully, M., & Ekdale, B. (2020). Ethics of authenticity: Social media influencers and the production of sponsored content. Journal of Media Ethics, 35(2), 68-82.

Le, H., Maragh, R., Ekdale, B., High, A., Havens, T., & Shafiq, Z. (2019). Measuring political personalization of Google News search. In Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW’19) (pp. 2957–2963). San Francisco, CA.

Stoldt, R., Wellman, M., Ekdale, B., & Tully, M. (2019). Professionalizing and profiting: The rise of intermediaries in the social media influencer industry. Social Media + Society, 5(1), 1–11.

Thorson, K., Driscoll, K., Ekdale, B., Edgerly, S., Thompson, L. G., Schrock, A., Swartz, L., Vraga, E. K. & Wells, C. (2013). YouTube, Twitter and the Occupy movement: Connecting content and circulation practices. Information, Communication & Society, 16(3), 421-451.

Thorson, K., Vraga, E., & Ekdale, B. (2010). Credibility in context: How uncivil online commentary affects news credibility. Mass Communication and Society, 13(3), 289-313.

Thorson, K., Ekdale, B., Borah, P., Namkoong, K., & Shah, C. (2010). YouTube and Proposition 8: A case study in video activism. Information, Communication & Society, 13(3), 325-349.

Ekdale, B., Namkoong, K., Fung, T. K. F., & Perlmutter, D. D. (2010). Why blog? (then and now): Exploring the motivations for blogging by popular American political bloggers. New Media & Society, 12(2), 217-234.